Becca Jane St Clair

Personal Blog

Comments Malfunctioning?

Could someone reading this on the blog ( please attempt to leave me a comment? I’ve been getting a few complaints that the comment feature isn’t working properly, and before I try to trouble shoot it, I need to know what the problem is!



6 Comments so far

  1. Brandi March 9th, 2010 12:17

    This is a comment.

  2. Rebecca March 9th, 2010 13:22

    Thanks Brandi, I’m glad to see it’s working now. Like I said above, I disabled captcha, so hopefully that was the issue.

  3. falnfenix March 9th, 2010 13:15

    comment, comment, doot doot doot!

  4. Rebecca March 9th, 2010 13:21


  5. Virginia March 9th, 2010 13:18

    Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three… 😉

  6. Rebecca March 9th, 2010 13:21

    Hey, and you previously had a problem with commenting….I took off that captcha thing, so maybe that was the problem?

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